

Last updated February 07, 2023


Return requests are accepted within 90 days from the date of purchase.


To send a request for a refund, write an email to with proof of your payment, it can be a check or a screenshot of the transaction. And reasonably describe the reason why you think that the service did not provide you with services.


Your application will be processed within 30 days from the date of receipt of the application. Refunds may take 1-2 billing cycles to appear on your credit card statement, depending on your credit card company.

Please Note

The Customer has the right to apply with a written claim to the Contractor if he considers that the service is not being provided to him in full. The Customer undertakes to immediately notify the Contractor of the situation that has arisen, but no later than three months from the moment when the Customer found out or should have known about the performance of the service not in full. The contractor evaluates the quality and degree of completeness of the service provided independently, substantively, based on objective indicators. If the Contractor confirms the fact that the service has not been provided in full, the cost of the service may be recalculated with the difference credited to the Customer`s personal account. The recalculation period cannot exceed a period of more than three months.


If you have any questions concerning our return policy, please contact us at: