Servers in 19 regions worldwide

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Servers performance on the map

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Server performance chart

Страна - городМин.Макс.Послед.
Argentina - Buenos Aires0.17%3.13%1.66%
Australia - Sydney0%0%0%
Belarus - Minsk0.45%23.06%1.52%
Finland - Helsinki0%31.25%2.83%
Germany - Vogtlandkreis1.23%12.85%2.25%
Hong Kong - Hong Kong0%1.68%0%
Japan - Tokyo0%0%0%
Kazakhstan - Almaty0%17.18%0%
Philippines - Pasay0%0.69%0%
Poland - Warsaw1.63%30.36%4.57%
Russia - Kazan7.58%38.49%13.06%
Russia - Moscow2.31%23.08%3.33%
Russia - Novosibirsk0.6%13.41%1.35%
Russia - Saint Petersburg2.6%31.53%5.73%
Russia - Vladivostok0.68%25.55%4.85%
Turkey - İstanbul0%1.16%1.12%
United Arab Emirates - Dubai0%0%0%
United States of America - Miami0%3.4%2.27%
United States of America - San Francisco0%4.18%0%